
'Ghost In The Shell' wants you! (..for Japan's cybersecurity)

Ability to rip apart tanks with bare hands welcomed, but not necessary.

Ghost In the Shell questions what it is to be human (or not), but they also usually nab the bad guys in Tokyo's fictional near-future, filled with cybercriminals. Now Japan's legit, real NISC (National Center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity) and the JNSA (Japan Network Security Association) are teaming up with the anime series for a new month-long awareness campaign. The titular Major Kusanagi asks Japan's cyber security talent to "protect the internet with us" in the promo poster for the NISC. Drone-capturing drone not pictured.

Meanwhile, Kusanagi-san proclaims: "You're pretty good. Why not work with me?" in the JNSA poster. The promotion isn't just rehashed artwork with friendly slogans, however. There will be a side-story manga, and (for some reason) cyber weather forecasts that'll tweet the state of cyber-emergency in Japan. Alas, at the moment, its Twitter account is still a work in progress. Unless it's already been hacked. Weirdest of all, GITS will apparently feature in an incoming Information Security Management Exam. Japanese cybersecurity students better study up.