
Facebook will show bigger vertical videos in your News Feed

The feature will be available on both iOS and Android.

Facebook's News Feed for mobile will become much friendlier to vertical videos in the near future, according to Marketing Land. It won't exactly be optimized for the orientation the way Snapchat is, but it will apparently stop cropping and showing them as tiny squares. The publication says when the update rolls out for Android and iOS, you'll start seeing vertical videos with a 2:3 aspect ratio (as opposed to 1:1) on your News Feed without having to expand them. "We know that people enjoy more immersive experiences on Facebook, so we're starting to display a larger portion of each vertical video in News Feed on mobile," a spokesperson told Marketing Land.

Thanks to the popularity of apps like Snapchat, Periscope and Meerkat, more and more people have learned to embrace the format. Daily Mail North America's CEO Jon Steinberg once said that the publication's vertical video ads have nine times more completed views than ones shot in horizontal view. By showing a larger part of vertical videos than before, people too lazy to view them in full screen -- and, let's face it, it's a hassle navigating away from the News Feed sometimes -- are more likely to watch them till the end. Facebook didn't reveal when the feature will go live, but Mashable said the update's going out in the coming weeks.